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Wearin’ the Green Sign-Up Parties

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City of Big Pizza
8 Remaining

Calling all pizza aficionados!  Join your born and bred native Chicagoan hosts (and a few former suburbanites who've proven their pizza cred) for a culinary faceoff of their favorite neighborhood pizza joints and help decide which is the best.  Both thin crust and deep dish pizzas from at least 5 local pizza parlors will be featured.  Beer to keep you hydrated is included!

Date/Time: Saturday, September 14th from 5:00 PM-7:00 PM

Location: Roscoe Village Pub

Price: $100/person

Hosts: Shawn Babiarz, Marty Gibbons, Pat McDermott, George Morales, Josh Schwartz & Eric Soriano

Max number of guests: 20

Registration opens: Thursday, March 7, 2024
Registration closes: Monday, September 30, 2024

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